  • Angmar's Bane  Your efforts to thwart the plans of the Angmarim in Forochel have earned you their eternal emnity.
    Defeat 120 Angmarim.
  • 牙を折る者  フォロヘルの獰猛なトラはもう二度とあなたとあなたの仲間を襲うことはないだろう
  • Hero of the Lost  The help you provided to the members of the Lost Fellowship will not soon be forgotten.
    Aid 7 Lost Fellowship members of different classes in Forochel.
  • Repulser of Savages  You have stood stalwart against the savage assaults of the Gauredain and remain unbowed!
    Defeat 150 Gauredain.
  • The Ice-render  You have felt the slashing cold of the Grim spirits of ice that you have fought for so long that it has lost its piercing sting.
    Defeat 100 Grims.
  • Warden of the Mines  At every turn you ensure that the Dourhands can make no false claim upon the work of their honorable brethren.
    Defeat 150 Dourhands.
  • 冬の猛威  太古の昔に敵が解き放った様々なドラゴン種は賢者でさえ退治することができなかったというのに、この氷の大地の生き物はあなたを好敵だとみなした