Cut of Spicy Meat Recipe-icon
Cut of Spicy Meat Recipe
レシピ:Cook Tier 7
価値: 11 Silver coin-icon 55 Copper coin-icon 

Cut of Spicy Meat-icon Cut of Spicy Meat
Tier (技術段階): 7  XP (ポイント): 8
Tool Required (必要な道具): Cooking Supplies
Facility Required (必要な作業場): Superior Oven
Ingredients (材料):
Large Clay Pot-icon 1 Large Clay Pot Cup of Black Barley Flour-icon 1 Cup of Black Barley Flour
Oxtail-icon 1 Oxtail
Optional (オプション):
Pinch of Westfold Herbs-icon Pinch of Westfold Herbs
Critical Success Produces (クリティカル成功の製造):
Cut of Spicy Meat-icon Cut of Spicy Meat (x2)