Master's Rune-satchel of Dagor Recipe-icon
Master's Rune-satchel of Dagor Recipe
レシピ:Tailor Tier 4
価値: 3 Silver coin-icon 75 Copper coin-icon 

Master's Rune-satchel of Dagor-icon Master's Rune-satchel of Dagor (x1)
Tier (技術段階): 4  XP (ポイント): 6
Tool Required (必要な道具): [[Tailor's Tools|Tailor's Tools]]
Facility Required (必要な作業場): Superior Workbench
Ingredients (材料):
Pristine Leather Plate-icon 1 Pristine Leather Plate Darkened Leather Binding-icon 1 Darkened Leather Binding
Spool of Silk Thread-icon 1 Spool of Silk Thread
Optional (オプション):
Yellow Flax Fibre-icon 1 Yellow Flax Fibre
Critical Success Produces (クリティカル成功の製造):
Exceptional Master's Rune-satchel of Dagor-icon Exceptional Master's Rune-satchel of Dagor (x1)