Lord of the Rings Online Wiki
Lord of the Rings Online Wiki


  • R - Ent's Strength This fellowship skill does direct melee damage and can contribute to fellowship manoeuvres. 105% of Main hand weapon + 328 damage.
  • Y - Spider's Guile This fellowship skill does minor direct melee damage to your target, then more damage over time and can contribute to fellowship manoeuvres. 130 common damage every 4 seconds for 20 seconds.
  • B - Stallion's Spirit This fellowship skill replenishes your power and can contribute to fellowship manoeuvres. Adds 268 - 274 to Power.
  • G - Eagle's Cry This fellowship skills replenishes your morale and can contribute to fellowship manoeuvres Adds 434 - 439 to Morale.


  • RR - Clash of Arms You and your fellow smash your target as if caught between a hammer and anvil.
  • YY - Misdirection Working together with a fellow you both are able to cause deep wounds in your target.
  • BB - Planned Attack Your superior coordination with your fellow energizes you both.
  • GG - Rallying Cry You and your fellow let out a piercing rallying cry envigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you.


  • RRR - Resounding Strikes Striking together you and your fellows tear your target asunder.
  • YYY - Deception Working together with your fellows you all are able to cause deep wounds in your target. The initial contributor will cause a deep wound.
  • BBB - Three Pronged Assault Your superior coordination with your fellows energizes you all.
  • GGG - Mustering the Troops You and your fellows let out a piercing rallying cry envigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you.

  • RBY - Sinister Plan Working with your fellows you are able to slash and wound your target while also energizing your fellowship members.
  • RGY - Wrath Of the Righteous Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target while also rallying your fellowship members.
  • GRB - Strength of the Pure Working with your fellows you are able to crush your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members.
  • GYB - Will of the Strong Working with your fellows you are able to wound your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members.


  • RRRR - Hail of Blows Striking together you and your fellows tear your target asunder.
  • BBBB - Power In Numbers Your superior coordination with your fellows energizes you all.
  • GGGG - Call To Arms You and your fellows let out a piercing rallying cry envigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you.
  • YYYY - Chaos in the Ranks Working together with your fellows you all are able to cause deep wounds in your target. The initial contributor will cause a particularly nasty wound.

  • RRYY - Pounding Echos Your fellowship's pounding blows echo in the distance and your foes new wounds are great.
  • RRBB - Planned Charge With a well planned charge, your fellowship crushes the enemy while being energized.
  • RRGG - Ent's Heart With an Ent's resilience and strength, your fellowship crushes your target as they rally back.
  • YYBB - Deadly Whispers Your fellowship's deadly whispers herald a deep wound in your foe and an energizing triumph.
  • YYGG - Silent Glory Your fellowships silent wound and worthy glory rally everyone.
  • BBGG - Noble Lineage Like ancient nobles, your fellowship is able to crush your target while also rallying everyone's morale.

  • RGYB or RBYG - Ent's Stand Like an Ent pooling all resources, your fellowship can crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing all.
  • BRGY or BYGR - Noble's Honour With a true noble's honour your fellowship is able to crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing all.
  • YBRG or YGRB - Silent Paths Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members.
  • GYBR or GRBY - Eagle's Eyrie The power of great eagles in their eyries is matched by your fellowship as you crush and wound your target while rallying and energizing all.


  • GGGBB - Pure of Heart The pure of heart fear no foe and your fellowship can rally and energize in the midst of any battle.
  • BBBGG - Noble Blood Like those of true noble blood, your fellowship rallies and energizes from all past loss.
  • YYYRR - Whispering Leaves Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target.
  • RRRYY - Ent's Rage With an Ent's strength and with your fellowships blows crush and wound your foe.

  • BRGYB - Wrath of the Oathbreakers Your fellowship strikes with such wounding wrath as to summon an Oathbreaker to assist even as you rally and energize all.
  • RGYBR - Entish Justice Justice of the Ents does not rest with a single foe, all enemies feel your fellowships crushing and wounding rage even as you rally and energize each ...
  • GYBRG - Valour Unashamed Your felloship crushes and wounds your target with unashamed valour, which removes fear, restores morale and energises all.
  • YBRGY - Leaves of Lothlorien Swirling like the leaves of Lothlorien, your fellowship strikes from all sides, leaving wounds that slow while rallying and energising all.


  • RRRGGG - ? ?
  • RRRYYY - Tramp of Doom Your fellowship tramples your foes, inflicting deep wounds.
  • RRRBBB - ? ?
  • BBBGGG - ? ?
  • BBBYYY - ? ?
  • BBBRRR - ? ?
  • GGGYYY - ? ?
  • GGGRRR - ? ?
  • GGGBBB - ? ?
  • YYYBBB - ? ?
  • YYYRRR - ? ?
  • YYYGGG - ? ?

  • RRRRRG - Roll the Drum The rolling drum of your fellowships blows on your foe cause pain to nearby foes and hope to flourish in your ranks, removing fear and wounds.
  • RRRRRY - Break the Door You fellowships fury cripples your foe and crushes all nearby enemies.
  • RRRRRB - Hew the Stone Your fellows hew into your foes like masons on stone, energizing each other and drawing forth an Oathbreaker shade to fight for you.
  • BBBBBG - ? ?
  • BBBBBY - ? ?
  • BBBBBR - ? ?
  • BRYYRB - Breath of Freedom Your fellowship strikes with the conviction of freedom, defeating your foes and rallying your allies.
  • GGGGGY - ? ?
  • GGGGGR - ? ?
  • GGGGGB - ? ?
  • GYYYYB - Chill of Bone Your fellowship strikes deep, bone chilling wounds on your foe, rallying and energizing each other as they fight.
  • GRRRRB - March of the Ents Like the nigh unstoppable march of the Ents, your fellowship rallies and energizes as they crush your foes.
  • GYRRYG - Hope of Men Your fellowship cripples your opponent and crushes all foes, filling your hearts with hope.
  • YYYYYB - ? ?
  • YYYYYR - ? ?
  • YYYYYG - ? ?

  • BRGYBR - Wings of the Windlord A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, two Oathbreakers are summonded as all you enemies are crushed.
  • RGYBRG - Thunder of the Oakenshield A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, all fear and wounds are removed as all enemies are crushed.
  • GYBRGY - Whispers Under the Mountain A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, all fear and wounds are removed as your target is heavily disabled.
  • YBRGYB - Dawn on the Deep A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, two Oathbreakers are summoned as your target is heavily disabled.